Call for Posters

APSys2015 seeks proposals for posters describing novel work in any area of interest to a broad systems audience. The posters will be presented during an evening reception at the workshop. The poster session is meant to introduce new or ongoing work and provide opportunities for authors to interact directly with workshop attendees.

We highly encourage you to submit controversial works, crazy ideas, thought-provoking and innovative perspectives in designing and implementing novel computer systems.

Important Dates

Poster Chair

Submission Instructions

Submissions must include an extended abstract no longer than one 8.5×1-1inch page, including all figures and references. Submissions must be made electronically in an email message to the Poster Chair at:

The body of the email should include the title of the poster and the author list, including affiliations. The abstract should be attached in PDF format.

Final version of your extended abstract

(For authors of accepted posters)

We use your poster abstract only for posting it on the APSys2015 homepage. We do not use it for any other purposes. There is no copyright transfer. You keep the copyright of your manuscript.

If you agree, upload the final version of your poster abstract from the below link by July 17th. It must be a single-page PDF. A 8.5x11-inch, double-columns format with 10pt fonts is recommended (not mandatory). For those who used the ACM template, please remove the footnote of ACM’s DOI and copyright notice.

It is optional for you to put your abstract online. If you skip it, please let us know.

The URL for uploading:

Poster Instruction

(For authors of accepted posters)

Please prepare an A0-sized, landscape or portrait poster.

To smoothly set up the poster session, the local arrangement chair collects posters and brings them to the poster & banquet hotel in advance, like the EuroSys 2015 poster session style. Please pass your poster to him until 15:30 on July 27th. He is in the registration desk. This will be announced just after Session2 and Session3.