Building on the success of its 2010-2014 predecessors in New Delhi, India; Shanghai, China; Seoul, South Korea; Singapore, and Beijing, China, APSys 2015 will continue to be a lively forum for systems researchers and practitioners across the world to meet, interact, and collaborate with their peers from the Asia/Pacific region. We take a broad view of computer systems, and solicit papers on topics such as:
- Operating systems
- Virtualization, including novel VM applications
- File and storage systems, including designs for new storage technologies
- Mobile and pervasive computing
- Cloud computing and data center management
- Distributed and networked systems
- Networks, including wireless technologies
- Internet of Things
- Energy efficiency and green computing
- Measurement, monitoring, and modeling
- Reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance
- Security and privacy
- Embedded systems
- Systems for machine learning
- Machine learning for systems
- Experience studies with deployed systems
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be six or fewer pages in length excluding references, formatted in standard ACM two-column conference style with 10-pt font size. Reviewing is single-blind, and the authors should have their names and affiliations in the first page of the paper. A submission may present preliminary results, propose a new research direction, provide insightful retrospective, or offer a provocative viewpoint on an important systems topic. Papers will be selected based on their likelihood of generating insightful technical discussions at the workshop and influencing future systems research. Relevant attributes include originality, technical merit, clarity, and technical relevance. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the workshop, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Consistent with standard scholarly practice, the authors should not have substantially similar work in review anywhere else.
Submissions should be made online at https://apsys15.kaist.ac.kr/.
Camera-ready Instructions
Camera-ready papers are due July 19, 2015 (23:59 GMT). The ACM copyright form must also be filled by this deadline. If you miss the deadline, the papers will not appear in the USB memory sticks distributed at the workshop. They must be no longer than seven (7) 8.5” x 11” two column papers (excluding references) using a 10 point font.
Authors need to include the rights management and bibstrip text blocks, including DOI, at the left bottom of the first page. Note that the copyright text may differ depending on the copyright transfer agreement with ACM. Please submit the copyright form first.
We recommend to use the latex template at the sigplanconf.cls with the 10pt option. ACM classification sections are not required. You can use the following information.
\conferenceinfo{APSys 2015,} {July 27--28, 2015, Tokyo, Japan.}
\doi{* your assigned DOI *}
Important Dates
- Abstract due: May 3, 2015 (23:59 GMT)
- Submission due: May 8. 2015 (23.59 GMT)
- Notification to authors: June 19, 2015
- Shepherd deadline: July 12, 2015
- Camera-ready due: July 19, 2015
- Workshop: July 27-28, 2015
Steering Committee
- Lorenzo Alvisi (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- Gernot Heiser (NICTA, UNSW, Australia)
- Jeanna Matthews (Clarkson University, USA)
- Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Junfeng Yang (Columbia University, USA)
- Zheng Zhang (NYU Shanghai, China)
- Yuanyuan Zhou (UC San Diego, USA)
General Chair
- Kenji Kono (Keio University, Japan)
Finance Chair
- Kenichi Kourai (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Publicity Chair
- Takahiro Hirofuchi (AIST, Japan)
Local Arrangement Chair
- Hiroshi Yamada (TUAT, Japan)
Publication Chair
- Takahiro Shinagawa (University of Tokyo)
Travel Grant Chair
- Shuichi Oikawa (University of Tsukuba)
Program Chairs
- Robbert van Renesse (Cornell University, USA)
- KyoungSoo Park (KAIST and SK Telecom, South Korea)
Poster Chair
- Dongsu Han (KAIST, South Korea)
Program Committee
- Mahesh Balakrishnan (VMWare, USA)
- Rajesh Balan (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
- Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- Wenguang Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
- Byung-Gon Chun (Seoul National University, South Korea)
- Peter Druschel (MPI-SWS, Germany)
- Roxana Geambasu (Columbia University, USA)
- Saikat Guha (Microsoft Research-India, India)
- Gernot Heiser (UNSW, NICTA, Australia)
- Jaehyuk Huh (KAIST, South Korea)
- Taesoo Kim (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Ketan Maheshwari (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
- Akihiro Nakao (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Ed Nightingale (Microsoft Research-Redmond, USA)
- Jian Ouyang (Baidu, China)
- Jo Piquer (University of Chile, Chile)
- Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (NYU, USA)
- Jia Wang (AT&T Research, USA)
- Youjip Won (Hanyang University, South Korea)
- Bernard Wong (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Jianfeng Zhan (ICT, CAS, China)
- Lidong Zhou (Microsoft Research-Redmond, USA)